Benefits of Escape Rooms

What are the exact benefits of escape rooms? In case you haven’t heard of them, escape rooms are mystery solving team building games where players are placed in one or more rooms and work together to solve mysteries, discover clues and accomplish a specific goal. The escape room basics are both challenging and fun, but can make for an educationally-enriching experience, if you know some good escape room tips. Because of this, there are several benefits that come from playing escape rooms, and if you’re wondering about them, we’ll explain each one of them right below!

Benefits of Escape Rooms

Increases Memory

Escape rooms are full of puzzles, which boost your memory power through continuous interactions with language, symbols and codes. As a matter of fact, some puzzles require you to remember some specific details for later on, so escape rooms nourish your memory retention and increase its longevity and capacity.


Improves Social Skills

It’s advisable to socialize with people when you find yourself facing high-pressure and/or challenging situations, and this is actually what you’ll go through during any escape room session. You’ll communicate a lot with your team when it’s time to get out of a tight situation, which will help you build relationships and enhance your communication skills.

Benefits of Escape Rooms

Stimulates Your Senses

Escape rooms put you at the center of the action, where you get to experience sounds, aromas, temperature, exciting feelings and so on! Adrenaline will rush through your body and your survival instinct will turn on during the most challenging parts of the game, so expect your senses to be completely awoken on escape rooms.


Increases Your Happiness

We all know the sweet flavor of joy after completing a tough challenge, so expect to taste it a lot when you successfully solve puzzles and complicated riddles! Teamwork and that good feeling of accomplishment will be the most exciting things you’ll experience during the game!


Unique Experiences

When you leave the escape room, you won’t be the same. You know you have achieved countless of things, solve complex puzzles, created new relationships and unique memories with your teammates… You know you went through an experience of a lifetime and will never forget it. And that’s perhaps the major benefit of escape rooms: the good memories that will linger with you from now on.

Common Questions

What do you do in an escape room?

You basically go through several themed rooms, solving problems, fighting against the clock with the help of other people, and working your way out to the goal. Basically, it’s a game where you have to accomplish your given mission through clues and hints scattered around.


Are escape rooms good for team building?

Yes. Escape rooms are excellent mystery solving team building games, as they promote communication and socialization among teammates. It will have enhanced your social skills by the time you finish the game.


As you can see, the benefits of escape rooms are multiple. To be more precise, any kind of mystery solving team building game is good for psychological health, even more so if you require mind-challenging games that can take you out of your comfort zone. The escape room basics are easy to follow, so you’ll have fun whilst nurturing your mind and spirit through several challenging stages. This is why we recommend you to find some good escape room tips and get your game on as soon as you can: you won’t regret it!


How Do You Ask for a Fundraiser Donation

Thanks to technology, asking for donations from donors and prospects doesn’t have to be a costly affair. You can send donation appeals with just the click of a button and your email is one of the best ways to go about it. Leveraging technology to seek donations also offers a great way for you to update prospects and donors about your projects (both current and future). So, how do you ask for a fundraiser donation?

How Do You Ask for a Fundraiser Donation

This article highlights some of the tips and tricks you can use to ask for an important fundraiser donation. While most strategies are for email and online donations, some of them can be implemented for other types of donations such as in-person asks.

Create Eye-Catching Subject Lines

Most people receive countless emails every day. While you can’t physically prevent your recipients from moving your emails to the trash folder, you can use an eye-catching subject line to decrease the chances that they’ll do so. Avoid boring, vague headlines and focus on subject lines that tell the recipient what’s being asked of them and what the money will go toward.

Don’t Wait to Ask

When making in-person asks, for example, it helps to be slow and steady. When asking for donations via email, on the other hand, the earlier the better. Get straight to the point and try to make your ask within the first two paragraphs. Make sure the appeal is easy to see and give donors clear action items right off the bat. You want donors to immediately understand that they’re being invited to a fundraising event and being asked to make financial contributions.

Explain and DescribeHow Do You Ask for a Fundraiser Donation

Bear in mind that, at its core, any communication is an appeal. As such, you’ll need to provide more information for those who are new to your organization. Be sure to include:

  • Who you serve
  • The work you do
  • What specific initiatives or projects their donations will go toward
  • Any other relevant details or insights

You don’t need to give donors a background history of your organization at this point, rather get to the point and only include information that will encourage recipients to give to your cause.

Keep It Personal

It’s crucial to bear in mind that donors are individuals and you should treat them as such. Avoid generalities and blank statements. Instead, personalize your communications. One of the best ways to personalize emails is to segment your donors. For instance, donors who have given to your organization repeatedly should receive a different email from another who has just started volunteering with you.

Provide Links and Ways to Give

Be sure to give your donors the means to donate somewhere in the email. You could give it as a “Donate Now” button or Link anchored in the body of the email, for example. Alternatively, you can give a number they can call to donate over the phone or an address that they can send a check to. You’re better off if you have more ways for donors to get to your donation page.

Bottom Line

The tips mentioned should help you answer the question: How do you ask for a fundraiser donation. It’s also important to keep in mind that people like to know that their contributions are appreciated. Express your appreciation by saying thank you once you’ve received donations as that helps to ensure you’ll receive donations in the future.

How to Wash Graphic Tees

Are you worried that most of your graphic tees are fading or cracking after wearing and washing them a few times? It can be quite frustrating. Although the durability of the design depends on factors such as the printing process and the type of shirt it’s being printed on, it’s also highly dependent on how you handle your tees, especially when it comes to washing. Here are a few pointers on how to wash graphic tees.

How to Wash Graphic Tees

This article points out some of the tips on how to wash your graphic tees so they remain as good as new for longer. It emphasizes the need to avoid using harsh detergents and washing with cold instead of hot water among other things.

Always Use Cold Water

Unless you need to disinfect hospital sheets or towels, there’s really no reason why you should wash your clothes in hot water. Hot water is not gentle on fabric and will destroy it over time. Cold water, on the other hand, is gentle on fabric and also gets your clothes clean.

Don’t Use Strong Detergents or BleachHow to Wash Graphic Tees

Like hot water, strong detergents and bleach are harsh on fabric. If you need to get rid of spots on your tee, consider a light stain remover as it should get the job done. It’s also crucial that you use mild detergents on your graphic tees.

Wash Them Inside Out

A general rule of thumb, especially when it comes to graphic tees is to turn them inside out before placing them in the washing machine. That helps to keep the design intact and lessen the fading. If you want the design to last even longer, make sure it doesn’t get into contact with the washing machine often to prevent the ink from getting strained.

Also, avoid washing your graphic tees after every use. That may seem extreme but think of it this way – each time you wash and dry your tees, you’re speeding up their aging process. It goes without saying that if your tee is really dirty you should go ahead and wash it. But if you’ve only worn it for an hour or two and it’s not dirty, consider folding it and putting it back in the closet.

Don’t Put Your Tee in a Hot Dryer

When drying your graphic tee, don’t set the dryer to the highest heat level. Another useful trick is to remove the tee before it’s totally dry and letting it dry naturally either in a clothing line outside or anywhere else. High heat is possibly your graphic tee’s worst enemy.

Wash Similar Clothes Together

If you’ve had a white design on your red shirt turn yellow after a few washes, the chances are you washed it together with some yellow attire, and the yellow color found its way into your white design. That’s why it’s crucial that you wash only shirts with similar colors together.

Bottom Line

Don’t forget the basics on how to wash graphic Tees – wash them in cold water, don’t wash them together, don’t use bleaching agents, let them dry naturally and use mild detergents. That’s how your graphic tees will maintain their printed designs.

What is a First Look?

Many people who’ve heard the term first look are not sure what it means. So, what is a First Look? A first look refers to a “non-traditional” wedding day event where couples see each other before the wedding ceremony. Some people believe that it’s bad luck for the wedding couple to see each other before the traditional walk down the aisle. Here are some thoughts regarding First Looks.

What is a First Look?

In this article, we’ll consider some of the thoughts on First Looks and why you should consider it before your wedding day. We’re going to consider some of the benefits of a First look ranging from the wedding couple having more time with guests to enjoy private moments together.What is a First Look?

Nerves and Anxiety

Many couples state that as much as they want to uphold the tradition, they were actually more concerned about not falling on the way to the altar after tripping on their dress or remembering the lines they’ve rehearsed several times over than seeing each other at the end of the aisle. After the First Look, most couples are relaxed and ready to get on with the rest of the party.

More Time with Guests

A first look enables the couple to spend more time with guests and not off taking pictures during cocktail hour, for example. A first look also offers the couple an opportunity to enjoy a nice moment with each other and collect themselves before the ceremony.

Thanks to a First Look, you don’t have to sacrifice the photos you want while also maintaining a balance of seeing and spending time with family and friends who traveled to see you. Most portraits, for example, can be done during the First Look to avoid running out of time later.

Private Moments

It’s no secret that couples rarely get much of alone time during their wedding day, and that’s where the First Look comes in. Moreover, not everyone wants to experience this special moment in the presence of hundreds of people. A First Look is the ideal opportunity to spend a few special minutes together to love each other, complement each other and shed some tears of joy. The big reveal during a First Look can be more magical when you feel you’re not on stage where everyone is viewing you.

Makeup Touch-Ups

After spending lots of cash on a great hair and makeup artist, the last thing you want is mascara streaking down your face. A First Look allows for a majority of the formal photos to be taken when your makeup and hair looks fresh.

Bottom Line

So, what is a First Look? The short answer is that it’s a day before the wedding day when couples see each other and you can even capture the moment with some memorable photos. It can benefit your plans for the day in several ways but it all boils down to preference. There are no rules set in stone so do what feels right for you.

Products to Sell for Fundraising

If you are fundraising in the near future, selling products can be a simple yet effective option. You would have a successful fundraiser and get a lot of money if you offer what people are looking to purchase. However, there are so many options and companies available out there. How can you choose the best products to sell for fundraising? Read on to find out the answer.

Products to Sell for Fundraising

Whether you are fundraising for school activities, or for a local organization, these items will help bring in donations. Here are various products you can sell based on what you are fundraising for.

1. Popcorn

Popcorn is a great product for fundraising not only because it is tasty, but this is quite cheap and popular with almost all age groups. Try to think beyond just selling popcorn as a separate product. Instead, consider organizing a movie night and offering it during the screening time. This can be an effective way to win over your donations.

Whether you make it yourself or order it, popcorn can be light but take up lots of space. Thus, make sure to plan well for storage areas. Some types might contain allergenic ingredients, such as peanuts or pine nuts. It is better to avoid those ingredients to prevent any health issues for your participants.

2. T-shirts

When it comes to fundraising, T-shirts are undoubtedly one of the most options to sell. Everyone loves these pieces of clothing as they are fashionable, versatile, and comfortable. More importantly, printed messages on the fabrics can be a great way to market your organization and raise awareness for your cause. You can sell these shirts on an online website to market the fundraiser for those who aren’t local but still want to support. Order a variety of sizes and avoid hypoallergenic materials to maximize your funding money.

3. LollipopsProducts to Sell for Fundraising

Lollipops are a perfect option for low-cost fundraisers, particularly for schools. Luckily, the costs of the products won’t ever determine the success of a campaign. Even small-budget things like these sweet, small lollipops would significantly support your goal and cause. More importantly, they aren’t tied to any specific time of the year or season. You can create a unique fundraising strategy by combining with other elements. For instance, try to encourage your donors to send handwritten messages and lollipops to their friends or family.

4. Dog Treats

Whether you are fundraising money for a new pet park or the local animal shelter, one thing for sure is that your supporters will love animals. Thus, selling dog treats can be a good idea. Even when they don’t own any furry friends, chances are they know someone. It is very important to find a good dog treat provider to ensure the quality of the product. Everyone deserves good treats, and puppies are no exception. Consider offering a variety of tastes and flavors to maximize your revenue.

The Bottom Line

Overall, there are so many products to sell for fundraising. The best way to have a successful fundraiser will depend on the event, selling location, and amount of money you want to fund. To ensure success, it is important to plan everything carefully and choose the right companies and products to give your donation the best experience.

How to Clean Yellow Pool Balls 

Pool balls need to be cleaned every now and then so they can be free of smudges, stains, chalk marks and won’t get an old, yellow shade. A game of pool will be much better if you have shiny pool balls that roll on green, well-kept felt. So when you feel that your pool accessories and things have that tired, worn out look, here’s what you can do to make them shiny again. This article will go into how to clean yellow pool balls so that you can always keep your balls in good condition. 

How to Clean Yellow Pool Balls 

Don’t know how to clean yellow pool balls? You can try some DIY methods such as using soapy water or use professional pool ball cleaning products to maintain your pool table

DIY or Professional Cleaning Product?How to Clean Yellow Pool Balls

Are DIY methods such as soapy water better than professional pool ball cleaning products, or is it the other way around?

As it turns out, there’s a difference between them in terms of application. Regular soap and water can only be used on phenolic or plastic resin balls and not those that are made of ivory or wood. Plus, water and detergent can only clean the balls and not get rid of the yellow stain that shows up over time.

If you’re looking to remove the yellow hue out of your pool balls, then it’s best to use a professional pool ball cleaner. Most of the time these products double as a felt cleaner for an all-around pool cleaning treatment.

Cleaning Using Soap & Water

Heat up a pot of water, grab two buckets, a dish soap, a microfiber cloth and a towel.

Mix soap and water on one bucket, then soak your pool balls in it for about 5 to 10 minutes. Prepare lukewarm water on the other bucket. After the time is up, take out the pool balls and use a microfiber cloth to ‘buff’ them up for 20 to 30 minutes.

Then, rinse out the soapy pool balls by dunking them on the bucket of lukewarm water. Once you’ve taken out the soapy residue, use a clean towel to dry off each ball before returning them to the table or their respective container.

Cleaning Using Professional Products

If your pool balls have that yellowish look and you want them to be like new again, then a professional cleaner should do the job quite nicely.

A word of caution, as the chemicals can be too strong for materials other than phenolic resin balls. That said, follow the instructions on the label for the best results.

First, shake the bottle thoroughly before use. Get a microfiber cloth and put a few drops of the cleaner on it. Wipe a yellowing pool ball and polish the whole ball for about half a minute or so. Using another microfiber, wipe the same ball until there’s no trace of the chemical on it.

Do this on all the balls until you achieve the desired result. 

You can even use pool tables and the game of pool as a different way to fundraise for your organization. 


It’s easy to learn how to clean yellow pool balls when you have the right products, tools and know the right pool table basics. Gather a few microfiber cloth, your preferred restorer and professional cleaning product and half an hour or so to get rid of the yellow age spots and make them look like new again. For maintenance, regular cleaning with soap and water works in removing dirt and chalk marks. While your pool balls may be clean, it’s equally as important to maintain other parts of your pool table such as the leather pockets and more. 


First Thing to Pack When Moving

If you have planned to move to your new house or a new city, then you need to start packing your belongings. Packing and moving can be stressful and confusing too. People often get overwhelmed because with all of their stuff, they don’t know where to begin. Well, if you are confused about what the first thing to pack when moving should be, then we are here to help you. 

First Thing to Pack When Moving

Packing is not all about packing all your belongings at once. You need to know a lot about the supplies required for packing, how to pack exactly to keep your belongings safe and in which order you have to pack. To know more about all these, read on.

Arrange the Supplies

It is impossible to pack efficiently if you do not have the right packing materials. Here’s a checklist for some of the basic yet important packing materials that you will need:

  • Packing boxes of high quality.
  • Padding for fragile or delicate items i.e. bubble wrap.
  • Packing paper (plain white paper).
  • Old duct tape for packing.

How to Pack?First Thing to Pack When Moving

You have to pack things very carefully. Here are some of the tips in order to pack things properly:

  1. Pack in Order of Rooms: You need to pack in order of rooms. First start with the least important one and end up with the most important one. While unpacking just go exactly in the opposite direction. Start to pack things that you are taking with you but you do not have to use them anytime soon. It can be dinner sets, glasses and cups. These things also need majority of attention so make sure to devote time.
  2. Pack Lighter First: You need to start packing the lighter items first. You can start packing the items that are lighter in weight. Leave the heavier furniture and items for last. Make sure to pack the clothes, bags, kitchen sets, photos etc. first.
  3. Label Each Box: While packing, you have to label each and every box based on the room and items in it. If you are packing the photo frames in a box, label it as ‘Frames’. If you are packing essential items of your kitchen which is fragile, label it as ‘Kitchen’ and ‘FRAGILE’.
  4. Use Padding: You must fold each and every item with the bubble wrap before packing it in the box. You can keep the belongings safe in this way.

In Conclusion

So, this is all about first thing to pack when moving and how to pack them correctly. Since you cannot take a risk when it comes to your belongings, it is important for you trust a professional moving company. You have to do proper research about the moving companies available in the market to finally decide the best one. You can also ask for referrals and recommendations from your friends and family.

Types of Escape Room Puzzles

Escape room games can be great fun for you to play. It is fun and exciting at the same time. There are different types of escape room puzzles that you can opt for. While you are preparing for your first ever escape room, it can be exciting and daunting too. But you need to know about the puzzles so that you can solve them efficiently. Here are some of the common types of puzzles for escape rooms that you will find:

Types of Escape Room Puzzles

One of the best escape room skills to develop is knowing how to solve the puzzles quickly. Knowing the types of puzzles you’ll find in various escape rooms can help ensure you have an idea of what to expect.

#1: Number and Texts PuzzleTypes of Escape Room Puzzles

Number puzzles are mainly related to basic math. You can use these for solving puzzle solutions. For these you do not need to be highly skilled in mathematics. You need to be clever and have some presence of mind. Also, there are can be some equations that you have to follow. You also need to work on the crosswords puzzles and master the art of solving missing-letter puzzles. These types of puzzles are excellent to hide the solutions and clues for your escape room games. 

#2: Physical Puzzles

There are some physical puzzles too that you have to master. It can be undoing knots or moving any large objects or any other physical puzzles. You never know what type of puzzles you will be given in the escape rooms. So, it is always better to prepare yourself for all types. It is important for you to remember that moving any object can be done at a particular direction. Teamwork is really effective with these types of puzzles. So, whenever there is something suspicious like an out-of-place shelf or cabinet, try to move it. 

#3: Light & Sound Puzzles

There can be many puzzles related to the sound and light. Hence, it is very important to keep all your senses perfect. You have to listen very closely to the background sound. The ambient sound can provide you with some of the most important clues. You can also pay attention to the lights where it is shining more or not shining. Also, listen to the lyrics very carefully if there is a background music going on. This will help you to solve the puzzle more effectively.

#4: Hidden Objects

Sometimes the puzzles or clues can remain hidden. It can be hidden in plain sights like that of the books, drawers or shelf, but you need to find them out. The clues are not always presented through puzzles. It can also be kept in hidden places. You need to search the place thoroughly to find the hidden objects which can help in solving the puzzles. A benefit of escape rooms is how much they improve your attention to detail.


So, these are some of the common types of escape room puzzles. Besides these, you can also find other types of puzzles such logic puzzles, visual designs and combination designs. The key to beating an escape room quickly is by being alert all the time. If you are stuck at a point, it is important to listen to what others have to say. Since this is a team game, every opinion and perspective matters a lot in this escape room games.

How to Sell Things For a Fundraiser

Fundraising is an interesting concept for raising funds to support a charity, cause or for the development of a non-profit organization. The best way to organize a fundraiser is by selling things. But if you are worried about how to sell things for a fundraiser, then do not worry as we have a complete guideline for that. Read on to know more about how to go ahead.

How to Sell Things For a Fundraiser

Before the sale starts you have to:

  1. Make contacts with different groups: You have to be aware of what other schools or organizations are planning for fundraising projects. You may want to stagger the fundraising or you may want to do them with other organizations. 
  2. Ensure that everyone is on the same page: You need to call for a brief committee meeting for reviewing the key dates and activities of your project. You have to let everyone know about the expectations regarding other’s involvement. 
  3. Decide on the payment methods: There are 3 types of payment methods from which you can choose one. There are – prepayment, pay-on-pickup payment and post-pay methods. You can choose anyone or let the customers choose the best option according to their choice.
  4. Enough selling time: Make sure to plan the sale in such a way that it gets at least two but preferably three weekends. It will help to keep the awareness up during the sale with 
  5. the bulletin board, newsletter reminders and audio announcements. To get things started, you need to:

Once your important fundraising sale begins, follow the steps below. How to Sell Things For a Fundraiser

  1. Start off the project in the right mood: You have to start off the project. For this, you have to start the publicity and let the volunteers work for you.
  2. Send the message to everyone: You need to consider that everyone gets the news of the sale as soon as it starts. You can also ask the fundraising company for providing some sample of the products to show to the people. 
  3. Make it in writing: You have to send the product catalogue home with all the details about the cover letter attached. You can’t stuff everything inside. You cannot rely on the letter only. You can also customize the cover letter according to your own will.
  4. Include cash donation option: Many will only prefer to make a cash donation rather than buying something. Hence, it is important to include the option of cash donation too. For that you can add a collection box to conveniently deposit the cash they want to donate.



So, this is all about how to sell things for a fundraiser. You cannot make the announcement and sit back to relax. You have to give constant reminders to the people to get it done successfully. Also, you have to ensure that your volunteers are working perfectly on the roles given to them. You also have to plan for the pickups and for that you have to keep the people informed about it. Appoint a group to handle the money carefully creating all the paper trails, collection and to do the calculations. 

Are Resumes Necessary?

Resumes have long been the equivalent of the “Get Out of Jail” card in a game of Monopoly. But the big question is: Are resumes necessary? The straightforward answer is that you really need a resume to stand out from the crowd. Without a resume, navigating the murky waters of finding a good job may seem tougher than it should.

Are Resumes Necessary?

So, are resumes necessaryAre Resumes Necessary? Resumes are necessary because they showcase your capabilities and what you can offer to your potential new employer. 

Showcase Your Capabilities

Without a resume, companies will have no idea about your skills and capabilities. You may be the best salesperson, a tech whizz or a CEO with an impeccable record, but without a resume highlighting your achievements and accomplishments, no company will know of your existence.

For instance, you’ve graduated from college, entered the workforce, gained some experience and built some expertise in one or more fields, and climbed the ladder of middle management with a broad range of titles and increased responsibility. If you’ve only worked with a single employer since graduating, then the internal HR know you through personal files and memos. However, if you’ve changed jobs several times, then your best way to enter the next phase of your career is the resume – it’s the document you need to present your professional career experience in a strong format and get you called in for an interview, one of the job search steps.

What Makes a Good Resume?

But what makes a good resume? Your resume needs to be more than a bunch of information typed up on a piece of paper. A good resume needs to highlight your skills, individual career experience, accomplishments, achievements and education. Consider using the lingo appropriate to your industry and condense the information in one or two pages. The object of a resume is to get called in for an interview based on the information presented therein.

A professional resume often starts out with a brief summary of your qualifications followed by a short overview of your work experience. In today’s digital age world where resumes are likely to be scanned electronically, it helps to include a section of keywords entitled Areas of Strength, which can demonstrate at a glance the areas in which you’re most experienced. 

The Professional Experience section is the heart and soul of your resume. This is where you list the names of present and previous employers, your dates of employment, titles, responsibilities and achievements. Rather than a laundry list of tasks and responsibilities under each section, describe your responsibilities briefly and add a separate list of accomplishments under each position. This is what separates you from other potential candidates applying for the same position.

Highlighting your achievements and accomplishments on each job demonstrates how you’ve cut expenses, made the company money, expanded market share or reduced employee turnover.

Bottom Line

So, are resumes necessary? The short answer is that they are indeed necessary. Try to keep your resume short and straight to the point, preferably not more than two full pages. Most prospective employers simply want to know and expect to see what you’ve done in the past 10-15 years and only need a synopsis or brief summary of your previous jobs. By using all of these tricks, you’ll be able to easily get a call back for an interview.