How Do You Prepare For An Escape Room – Are escape rooms hard?

Playing escape room for the first time? It can be scary and intimidating; but not if you know what to do, how to do it, and when to do it. To get all that in one basket, you should ask the right question. How do you prepare for an escape room? Well, first you need to be composed and be a team player. 

How Do You Prepare For An Escape Room

Escape rooms are great team-building activities. For the best escape room tips and clues of how to play escape room like a pro, this is the post for you. It will share tested and proven hacks that will get you out before the 60-minute deadline. Hang on, you are about to become an escape room pro in a short while. 

Pick your team carefully.

Escape room gets better when you are a team. You could be 2 to 6 members. Choose people you can work with. If you are always getting into arguments, it is not the team you should work with.

How Do You Prepare For An Escape Room
How Do You Prepare For An Escape Room

You have to be at your best when you communicate. Another important thing you should insist on in your team is getting a mixture of skills. It is going to be teamwork and everyone should bring something on the table of the game. 

Choose your room.

You will get a rich selection of themes for your room. Is it going to be horror or supernatural? Whatever gets you to A-game should be the kind of room you choose. For a newbie, be moderate with the room theme. Let it not be something that scares your guts. It should make you feel warm and immersed in the game. Remember that whichever room you choose, it will be filled with various types of puzzles

Learn the storyline by heart.

Do not be in a hurry to get started. Listen to everything your hosts are going to share. They will share tips that will help you break free from the room. You will also get the background story to the setting you will be walking into. It helps to learn every twist of the story. There are clues in and you do not know when they can save your day. 

Relax and enjoy it.

You are here to have fun. Relax and enjoy while at it. Get comfortable with the room and be attentive. Look around the room and spot any early hints. Everything you see and hear may help get help when you need it. 

How Do You Prepare For An Escape Room
How Do You Prepare For An Escape Room

Tips to ace escape room like a champ.

  • Get started immediately. Time is of essence here and every minute counts.
  • Quickly scan the room and gather all information you can.
  • Don’t waste valuable time on one puzzle.
  • Let others know the clues you find. They should also return the favor.
  • Don’t ignore even the smallest thing.
  • Keep what you collect where you can see it.
  • Have the story background at the back of your mind. 

How do you prepare for an escape room for the first time means whether you will have it easy or rough. Come with a team you can trust. Do not panic even when the time is running out. Stay focused and you will make a breakthrough in the 60 minutes. 

Pool Table Basics – What the Pros Want You to Know

When you’re learning how to play pool, you’ll likely come across different terminology, strategies and variations of the game. For you to become an expert in pool, you need to master the game’s principles and equipment. However, let’s start with some pool table basics.

Pool Table Basics

Some pool table basics include knowing how to play and to position your body, how to hold the cue stick, and how to hit the ball.

A Step by Step ApproachPool Table Basics

The basic principles are quite simple and easy to understand. You can start by following a simple step by step approach, as that’s the best way to learn more about the game of billiards.

  • The body position
  • Holding the cue stick
  • Hitting the cue ball
  • The Body Position
  • Your body position must be comfortable yet stable. Be sure to wear comfortable clothes as the dress code is rather casual.

    Mastering the Stroke

    Ensure your feet are a little wider than shoulder-width apart.

    Each person has a different preferred hand position. If you’re right-handed, hold the cue stick’s base with your right hand and rest the narrow end on your left. Do the opposite if you’re left-handed.

  • How to Position Your Leaning Hand
    • Put a beer cap on the pool table
    • Hide it with your hand
    • Open your three external fingers
    • Lift your thumb forming a V shape
    • Place the cue stick between your thumb and the knuckles of your index finger

    Experiment with a few hand positions to get one that’s most comfortable for you. For instance, some people prefer to rest the cue stick in between their fingers in a flat style while others prefer to rest the stick on their index finger. Alternatively, you can try curving your index finger on top of the stick and put your thumb at the bottom of the stick. Some people find that this technique allows them to have better control of the cue stick.

    When practicing your strokes, switch your eyes from the point you’re aiming for on the object ball to the contact point on the cue ball.

  • Hitting the Cue Ball
  • Hitting the cue ball shouldn’t be difficult once you’ve got everything else right. Place the cue stick’s tip about four inches away from the ball. Then position the cue on your leaning hand. Move only your back arm when shooting and the rest of the body should stay still.

    It’s also crucial that you don’t twist your wrist when hitting the cue ball.

  • Making Shots
  • When you’re just starting out, try to hit the cue ball straight and with power.

    You should also experiment with slow, easy shots. A softer touch will sometimes help your ball to ride the edge of the table and stay in a more defensive position.

  • Focus
  • Pool requires you to focus and pay attention to the overall game. So, keep your eye on the ball and try to tune out distractions the best you can.

    Don’t get too frustrated or overly confident – the tables can turn in a second. Focus on improving your shots and things will turn out just fine.

      Bottom Line

      Like all types of cue sports, pool takes some practice to get the hang of. There are various types of games but once you know the pool table basics and practice your shots, you should have an easy time playing most types or variations of pool games. If you decide to invest in a pool table of your own or maybe try to hold a fundraising pool tournament, be sure to maintain it in order to play your best as well.


    Escape Room Dress Code

    In recent years, escape rooms have become a quite popular activity for groups of friends, work colleagues, and families. They are fun and exciting and offer an unforgettable experience for people of all ages. You don’t actually need to have any experience in puzzle solving or be a genius to participate in an escape room game. All you need is an open mind, positive attitude and team working skills to enjoy them!

    Escape Room Dress Code

    Whether you are participating in an escape room just for fun with your friends or family, or for team building with your workmates, you might be asking yourself what to wear for the occasion. Well, for an escape room game, you’ll want to wear something not too tight to hinder your ease of walking around. Thus, comfort should be your top priority since some escape room activities can be highly physical. To help you in choosing what to wear for escape room games, we’ve rounded up some few tips to help you out.


    1. Comfort is Key


    When it comes to the right attire for an escape room, we can’t overemphasize on the importance of choosing comfortable clothing and footwear. You need to choose shoes and clothes that you are comfortable walking around in. Although escape room games are mainly puzzles and mental challenges, they also involve some physical activities. For instance, you might be required to crawl on the floor, climb, bend down, or even jump as you try to look for the Escape Room Dress Codeclues. So, it’s critical to choose clothing that will allow you to move with ease and footwear that won’t fall off or hurt your feet as you race to solve the mystery before the time is out.


    1. Avoid distracting clothing


    Another important thing to remember when choosing what to wear for an escape room game is to stay away from wearing accessories or clothes that distract your team members. Remember you and your team members need to be focused to solve the mystery at hand so anything that might take their attention away. Avoid wearing brightly patterned clothes or bracelets and other jewelry that jingle when you’re moving.


    1. Choose Close-fitting Attire


    Choosing close-fitting clothing such as sportswear or gym outfit is also a good idea when going to escape rooms. This is because it will be comfortable and you’ll be able to move freely around the room. Some people even choose to wear their favorite superhero costumes to make the adventure more fun and memorable.


    1. Don’t Forget Your Reading Glasses


    Remember escape room games usually test a variety of skills. You and your team members might at some point be needed to read something in order to move to the next puzzle. So if you are visually impaired, don’t forget to bring your reading glasses with you. Otherwise, you might find yourself stuck or inconvenience your team members. The same applies if you have hearing problems. Make sure to carry your hearing aids to make your experience better.


    These are some of the things to consider when choosing the right escape room dress code. Safety and comfort should be your top priority to help you easily complete the escape room.

    How to Quickly Beat an Escape Room – Tips from the Pros

    Do you want to know how to quickly beat an escape room? Are you looking for some tips to enjoy your escape room activities and to register a win? If yes, then you are in the right place.  This article will offer some useful tips to make your escape room adventure more fun and less stressful.

    How to QuHow to Quickly Beat an Escape Roomickly Beat an Escape Room

    Make Your Team

    If possible, play with your friends. It will ensure better communication. If it is a public-booking room, you might have a few options to choose your team. However, make a conscious effort to play with a small team. When there will be more players, it will only make the room congested and everyone will not have enough things to do. If you choose private rooms, you might need to spend more. The benefit is that you will have the freedom to choose your team members and team size.

    Work Collectively

    All of your team members should come together to find out a solution when in an escape room. Take the help of your team members to solve a puzzle. Also, you need to listen to your teammates. Even if they have crazy ideas, try them to have a different experience. You never know, these might get you closer to the solution.

    Yell Out Loudly

    You need to yell out if you find something or solved something. Escape rooms games can be easily won when two members of a team find related items such as keys, locks, or patterns in different places. If you find something, yell out loudly to make it known to all of your team members.

    Think Differently

    All your team members need to act smart to solve the puzzles. Some puzzles are too hard and you might dismiss it in the first glance even without trying to solve it. The better solution is to try to solve them before heading towards others. Otherwise, you might not be able to solve others as these are closely related.

    Do Not Focus on One Puzzle Only

    You are there to be a contributor to the puzzle. Do your part and then go for the next one. You should never act a spectator. It is easy to be a spectator when an exciting puzzle is in progress. However, you need to work more efficiently to get success fast. If there is only one puzzle, then all the team members will do their best to solve it.

    Get a Discard Pile

    You need to separate objects into used and unused piles. This will prevent reexamining the same objects again and again. Also, organize the objects neatly to use them whenever required.

    Bottom Line

    In addition to all of the tips mentioned above on how to quickly beat an escape room, search your room thoroughly and listen to your host to come to a quick solution. If it’s required, you can also ask the host for hints if you and your team is feeling stuck.