Types of Escape Room Puzzles

Escape room games can be great fun for you to play. It is fun and exciting at the same time. There are different types of escape room puzzles that you can opt for. While you are preparing for your first ever escape room, it can be exciting and daunting too. But you need to know about the puzzles so that you can solve them efficiently. Here are some of the common types of puzzles for escape rooms that you will find:

Types of Escape Room Puzzles

One of the best escape room skills to develop is knowing how to solve the puzzles quickly. Knowing the types of puzzles you’ll find in various escape rooms can help ensure you have an idea of what to expect.

#1: Number and Texts PuzzleTypes of Escape Room Puzzles

Number puzzles are mainly related to basic math. You can use these for solving puzzle solutions. For these you do not need to be highly skilled in mathematics. You need to be clever and have some presence of mind. Also, there are can be some equations that you have to follow. You also need to work on the crosswords puzzles and master the art of solving missing-letter puzzles. These types of puzzles are excellent to hide the solutions and clues for your escape room games. 

#2: Physical Puzzles

There are some physical puzzles too that you have to master. It can be undoing knots or moving any large objects or any other physical puzzles. You never know what type of puzzles you will be given in the escape rooms. So, it is always better to prepare yourself for all types. It is important for you to remember that moving any object can be done at a particular direction. Teamwork is really effective with these types of puzzles. So, whenever there is something suspicious like an out-of-place shelf or cabinet, try to move it. 

#3: Light & Sound Puzzles

There can be many puzzles related to the sound and light. Hence, it is very important to keep all your senses perfect. You have to listen very closely to the background sound. The ambient sound can provide you with some of the most important clues. You can also pay attention to the lights where it is shining more or not shining. Also, listen to the lyrics very carefully if there is a background music going on. This will help you to solve the puzzle more effectively.

#4: Hidden Objects

Sometimes the puzzles or clues can remain hidden. It can be hidden in plain sights like that of the books, drawers or shelf, but you need to find them out. The clues are not always presented through puzzles. It can also be kept in hidden places. You need to search the place thoroughly to find the hidden objects which can help in solving the puzzles. A benefit of escape rooms is how much they improve your attention to detail.


So, these are some of the common types of escape room puzzles. Besides these, you can also find other types of puzzles such logic puzzles, visual designs and combination designs. The key to beating an escape room quickly is by being alert all the time. If you are stuck at a point, it is important to listen to what others have to say. Since this is a team game, every opinion and perspective matters a lot in this escape room games.

Escape Room Skills – Physically and Mentally

Escape rooms are very interesting and fun to participate in. Besides being exciting and interesting in nature, there are some amazing benefits to immerse yourself in a real escape room scenario. There are some amazing benefits of playing escape room. There are some escape room skills that you can master to help you in this game as well as in your life. These are:

Escape Room Skills

Do you know the benefits of an escape room? Escape rooms help build various skills, such as creative thinking, and attention to detail.

#1: Brain Exercising

Live escape games are a challenge that players take to get out of a room exercising their brain and finding clues. They have to do something very unusual as well as very different. This game requires people to think a bit out of the box. The challenges are real and this is a game that you have to play out of your comfort zone. Brainstorming is one of the skills that you have to master in order to escape the room. There are many clues that are hidden in the room that you have to find and match with other in order to find a way out.

#2: Competitive DriveEscape Room Skills

With the clock ticking and you have only 60 minutes in hand for escaping the room, you have to be fast and competitive in nature. You have to solve the puzzles quickly and get the clues to find your way out from the room. This increases the competitive mindset and helps you to be more attentive and efficient.

#3: Concentration

Many people play live escape games all across the world. Though the game is exciting and for fun, it demands great concentration. You have to be present in the game and focus. Notice everything that is around you as anything can lead you to the result. You have to solve complex puzzles, find answers to the riddles and get clues to get out. You cannot keep thinking about other things when focusing on one puzzle. Concentration and attention to detail are important.

#4: Creative Thinking

No matter how talented you are and experienced you are in this game, without the skill of creative thinking, you cannot find possible solutions. You and your team will have to think out of the box and recognize some of the patterns or numerical sequences that can be helpful in the game.

#5: Awareness

Playing the escape room games can increase the level of awareness in people. You have to be intensely aware of things and search for them. There are several things that we are not aware of in normal life but can have a great value. The heightened level of awareness is important for the escape room.


So, these are some of the escape room skills that you can adapt or master when you are playing the escape room games. In an escape room scenario, you may find it quite confusing at times. But you need to remember to concentrate and brainstorm with your team. When you are thinking a bit out of the box and looking for some clues, you will likely to get them.

Escape Room Benefits – Improve Various Skills

An escape room is simply an immersive experience that encourages participants to cooperate, get clues, and solve problems to complete a given mission. These activities are often learning and cognitive experiences for many people, as well as provide a great gaming experience. Also, escape rooms can be a great opportunity for players who are looking for scenarios which can be educationally-enriching and make them feeling content, intelligent, and happy. If you are still hesitating about this form of entertainment, here are some escape room benefits to know.

Escape Room Benefits

Below are some of the main benefits you can experience when you try an escape room.

Improve CreativityEscape Room Benefits

One of the most important benefits of escape games is that they provide participates great opportunities to employ their mind to solve problems creatively. Most of these activities require you to challenge yourself and your teammates to think outside of the box. From difficult riddles to hectic physical exercises, escape rooms can be a great place to break from normal life and live with your creativity. More importantly, these experiences can transition into many areas of your life and improve your productivity.

Enhance Collaboration

Even in those settings in which collaboration already exists, encouraging teamwork and cooperation in a new context like escape rooms could stimulate idea and communication synthesis skills in participants. Dealing with a new group of issues in a strange environment could break the daily routine of people who just collaborate with their own colleagues in the same departments. In other words, escape games provide a great opportunity for us to mix and match between different teams from various departments in the same organizations. As a result, there will be many challenges to help them work more efficiently with new faces.

The team which struggles together will stay together. Escape games allow different people to face and overcome the same challenges, thus building empathy between them. Even though victories can be significant, struggling and failing together could also be valuable lessons because it provides team members with a great opportunity to express their appreciation, responsiveness, and compassion.

Reduce Stress and Have Fun

If you are stressed from your daily work, then escape games can be a great option to have fun and get away from stress. With many interesting activities and challenges, you can get great joy and satisfaction from dealing with new information or cooperating with new people. As a result, this will increase your adrenaline and give you a sense of achievement when the mission is completed.

Increase Your Motivation

Problem-solving activities and physical movements in an escape room would trigger your brain to produce more dopamine. This substance does not only encourage the brain to have a greater sense of pleasure, but it would also be important for improving your motivation. In addition, these activities can create a pattern of challenges to success, thus creating a positive connotation and training your cognitive system to incentivize achievements in the future.

In Conclusion

Overall, playing in an escape room is fun. All the escape room benefits and psychological satisfaction that you get from participating will make you feel entertained and help improve many skills. Thus, it is a great option for personal entertainment, work events, or team building activities.